الأحد، 1 مارس 2009


Mecca or Saudi city of Mecca in the west of the Arabian Peninsula and the Mecca of several names, including Umm al-Qura Mosque, the country and safe country and the Secretary, is the subject of the Bakkah Kaaba inside the Grand Mosque. In Mecca, the holiest place for Muslims, which is the Kaaba in Mecca of the Sacred House of God in the prayers of Muslims throughout the world. And the Muslim pilgrimage to it every year to perform the Hajj pilgrimage destination where more than two million people from all over the world, to perform the rites. It is a holy city since the days of Abraham and in the days of ignorance in Islam. And the cradle of God and the divine source of the message (of Islam). Born where the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah, the 571 meters. Mecca is located on the western side of the Arabian Peninsula, in a valley bordered by mountains from north to south. And location of the most difficult formations Aljiuljip, most volcanic rocks and high up above sea level to more than 300 meters. The valley is bounded Ibrahim Almnhsr between the two series of mountains to the east, west and south. North of the mountain chain consists of wedging Mountain and Mount Qaiqaan series consists of the southern Mount Abu Hdidp the west, and Mount your south-easterly direction and Mount Abu in the south-east Qubeis and after Mount Khandmp. It is located in the South East on the road to Jeddah - Al-Wadi dirt Mecca and the three main entrances Amuallap known as Ahadjon and Almesflp and segment. And Amuallap is all that rose from the ground level of the Grand Mosque and Almesflp is all that was below. The lifting of the House of Abraham (Mt) with his son Ismail to God after the order of God ordered him to slaughter his son Ismail, and the only meaningful after obedience Bkpc great. Away from the city of Jeddah, Mecca, 70 km. The ancient city was an important center for trade and turned to worship the idols before the advent of Islam in the Arab tribes that visited the descendants of Abraham for pilgrimage every year. Migrated in 622 m of which the Prophet Muhammad to Yathrib, renamed Medina. Mecca and throughout the ancient and modern history, has not lost sacred. Because the Holy Mosque in Mecca and the Kaaba is the Mecca of the Muslims, where to turn in all their prayers all over the world. And there beside a well of Zamzam. And see the holy city each year, and delegations of pilgrims from around the world. Faihj Amuslimbn to thousands each year to perform Hajj and Umrah and to witness the benefits to them and mention the name of God. And Mecca and Aizorha Aigtnha since only Muslims Nabih Muhammad is God that Aidechlha Giralmuslimn preparation Hajj and the Messenger in the ninth year of immigration.

الاثنين، 9 فبراير 2009


Hajj – The Pilgrimage
The pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia constitutes the fifth and last of the acts of worship prescribed by Islam. The Quran says:
"Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah-those who can afford the journey." (3:97)
To make the meaning of this verse clear, it is necessary to read the whole verse:
"Certainly the first House appointed for men is at Makkah, the Blessed and a Guidance for all nations. In it are signs evident-whoever enters it attains security. Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey." (3:96, 97)
The literal meaning of the word Haj is the will and desire to visit, but in the terminology of the Shariah, it means the will to visit the Holy Ka'aba which was the first structure built by Hazrat Adam for the worship of Allah. Then, above 4,500 years ago, Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail, at the command of Allah, rebuilt it. The story of the rebuilding of the Ka'aba thus related in the Holy Quran as follows:
"And remember, Ibrahim and Ismail raised the foundation of the house (saying) 'O Lord, accept it from us – Our Lord, make us those who submit to Thee and of our descendants a people who submit to Thee and show us our rites and forgive us'." (2:128)
From the words of this prayer, the purpose for which the Ka'aba was built, becomes clear and we come to know that its completion was ordained at the hands of the children of Hazrat Ismail who settled at this spot and from them, the Holy Prophet was raised for the perfection of this purpose.
Pilgrimage to the Sacred House is not an obligation. It is compulsory only on those who are sound of mind, adults and having the provisions of travel once in a lifetime. All those persons who fulfill these obligations and yet abstain from performing Hajj give a lie to their being Muslims. A Hadis of the Holy Prophet states:
"If a person is not hampered by any disease, real necessities or a tyrannical ruler and yet does not perform Haj, his death and the death of a Jew or a Christian are the same."
Hajj constitutes a form of worship with the entire being of a Muslim, with his mind, body and soul, with his time, money and the sacrifice of all comforts of life to assume for a few days, the condition of the pilgrim totally at Allah's disposal.
Haj is the only pillar among the fundamental pillars of Islam which requires both physical and financial sacrifices. Prayer and fasting are only physical worships and nothing is spent in their performance. Zakat is only financial worship; in it no physical labour is required. But in performing Haj both physical and financial sacrifices are required.
The rites of Haj centre on complete submission and devotion to Allah. At the same time, they serve as an example of total submission and obedience of Prophet Ibrahim, especially his willingness to sacrifice what he loves most in the world, his son Ismail, at Allah's Command.
Pilgrims come for Haj from all parts of the globe. As they approach Makkah, they enter into the state of Ihram, which means divesting oneself of all marks of status to assume the humble dress and conditions of a pilgrim devoted wholly to Allah. The pilgrims are to abstain from marital relations, quarrelling or from using bad language. They are also prohibited to harm any living thing in the boundry of Makkah.
Haj is one of the fundamental religious institutions of Islam. It is the greatest of all acts of worship; it is in fact, the culmination of worship. It is an exhibition of brotherhood, equality, punctuality and discipline. It affords an opportunity to Muslims from various countries of the world to become acquainted with one another and of discussing common problems facing the Muslim community.
According to Abu Hurairah, the Holy Prophet said that anyone who visits the House of Allah, does not indulge in foul language and avoids the disobedience of Allah, will become as pure and free from sins as a child.
At another place, the Holy Prophet said:
"Haj which is free from sins and defects is rewarded with Paradise."
The importance of Haj has been well described by Imam Abu Hanifa who said that Haj is the greatest of all worship, Ibaadat, enjoined in Islam. Its chief importance lies in the fact that it strengthens ones' faith in Islam.

الثلاثاء، 3 فبراير 2009


Nizwa is the largest city in the Ad Dakhiliyah Region in Oman and was the capital of Oman proper. Nizwa is about 140 km (1.5 hours) from Muscat. The population is estimated at around 70,000 people including the two areas of Burkat Al Mooz and Al Jabel Al Akhdar.

The main tourist attractions in the city are Nizwa Fort, the traditional Souq and Falaj Daris. In the 1990's, the Jama, the fort and the souq which sit next to each other in the centre were renovated using the same traditional materials. The design of the souq complements the fort in every way. In 1993 Nizwa won the award of 'Organisation of Arab Cities'.